Today I received an email inviting me to download a white paper entitled "Building Customer Centricity through Expertise-Based Interactions".
They could have called it "Doing a great job for your customers by knowing what you're talking about".
But they didn't.
Apparently the paper "discusses the emergence of customer centricity as a result of growing customer sophistication and empowerment across geographies and market segments" and "the need for businesses large and small to embrace customer centricity and to take steps to internalise it as the driving force behind business processes and policies ... by revising business processes to ensure outcomes are customer-oriented and that every activity within a process is aimed at maximizing customer satisfaction" and "by focusing on expertise-based interactions as a way to broaden customer collaboration and participation into the very business processes designed to serve their needs and, by extension, maximizing customer satisfaction and facilitating cross-selling and up-selling."
In other words:
Customers everywhere are getting smarter. You have to be single-minded in getting your whole organisation to give customers a great experience. You have to know what you're talking about. And you have to be ready to change the way you work if it's better for the customer, because that will make them do more and buy more.
Enough said.