Gary Hancock's blog

Gary Hancock's Blog

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Fundraising: time for some really tough questions

Imagine this headline: a 22% increase in online sales in one year. Now imagine you are a journalist, interviewing the chief executive of the organisation that has just delivered these results. What question would you ask? How about: ‘How has this affected your high street sales?’ (They have increased). Or maybe: ‘How have you achieved this growth?’

So, on the morning this news was announced (13 November 2017), what question did BBC Radio 4’s Today interviewer ask Oxfam GB’s Chief Executive, Mark Goldring? After an initial lead about whether we have “reached peak charity shopping in the UK” he seized the opportunity to renew the media war on fundraising: “People just hate being subject to an avalanche of pleas from charities: why don’t you stop it altogether?”

That a journalist on the BBC’s flagship morning news radio programme could ask this question says far more about editorial standards than fundraising standards. Those of us who watch or take part in BBC Children in Need 2017 this weekend might reflect on the hypocrisy of an organisation that asks us to donate to its campaign whilst questioning Oxfam’s right to do the same.

Meanwhile, over at the Telegraph, another inflammatory front page headline: “Charities dodge begging ban” (11 November 2017), followed by the usual inflammatory content: “Charities are circumventing a ban on begging letters to elderly people … targeting vulnerable people … bombarded … regulator admitted it is powerless to stop charities … begging for money”

On the subject of ‘begging for money’, hours before that story went to print, the Telegraph launched its Christmas charity appeal 2017, with the heart-warming line that “your donations, small or large, have proved a lifeline to our chosen charities and are a source of great pride to this newspaper.”

Charity fundraising, you might conclude, is acceptable only when it creates virtue signalling opportunities for media owners.

The charity sector has lived through more than two years of unprecedented challenge and change. There is absolutely no question that some fundraising practices were unreasonable, unethical and even unlawful: it is right that these practices were challenged and stopped. Despite all this change, however, news about fundraising is still a springboard for questioning its very existence, and lawful fundraising practices have to be defended against charges of exploitation.

It is time to turn the page. For too long now, every media interview with a charity feels like an apology or defence plea.  Yes, fundraising must be “responsible, respectful and reasonable”, as Mark Goldring said in his interview. Yes, fundraisers need new ways of engaging with the people who support our causes. Of course we must develop meaningful relationships with our supporters. And we must explain how we use their donations to fund the causes they care about. But we must also assert our right to fundraise.

The total amount donated to charity in 2016 was an estimated £9.7 Billion[1]. In a recent survey[2], 81% of donors did so having been asked, rather than spontaneously, and of these 30% would not have donated at all.

So how will the Treasury plug the funding gap if fundraising becomes unsustainable? Who will fund the cancer research? Who will respond to humanitarian emergencies? Who will provide care to enable terminally ill people to die in their own homes? Who will pick up the phone to answer the call from someone in crisis?

If we as a sector are to stand up for those in need, we must first advocate more forcefully for ourselves. It is time to stop apologising. And when we are asked tough questions, it is time that we ask tough questions in return.

[1] The Charities Aid Foundation, CAF UK Giving 2017, April 2017
[2] Institute of Fundraising / YouGov, Insights into charity fundraising, May 2017